Friday, October 22, 2010

Mark Twain said, “I’ve seen many troubles in my time, only half of which ever came true.“ 

Well, I was born a "glass half empty" girl.  Sad, but true.  If there was anything to worry over, fret about, or get down about, I was all over it.  But as I got older, I got tired.  All that worrying and seeing the ugly side of life takes effort!   I don't have the stamina anymore.  I've worked really hard to become a "glass half full" girl.  I'm getting there slowly.  Maybe it's one quarter full now.  Or maybe an eighth... being an optimist is a lifelong quest for me I'm afraid.  I'd rather get there sooner than later, but at least I'm traveling in the right direction!

Photography is the latest thing that's helped me focus on things differently.  It's amazing how the ugliest things, when captured just right, can make beautiful pictures.  It's just the angle it's viewed from, or the right light being shed, a certain composition, or sometimes it's in the eye of the beholder; just like with life.  If we change the angle we view it from, cast the right light on it, improve our perspective, or look hard to find the beauty and joy, we see it was all there to begin with.  

This is my ugly "garage"....   or shop...  or shed...  or whatever.  It's never had a car parked in it that I know of.  But it's supposed to be a garage.  Whatever it is, it's old and in need of help.  I decided to try and see it from a different perspective and see if I could find some beauty.

This is the side of the garage with a little different light, a different focus. 

This is our old corn crib.  It's kind of an eyesore.  Certainly not my idea of pretty.  

But this evokes a different feeling for me.  Like an image plucked right out of history.  You can almost hear the stories there are to tell. 

“When you reach the heart of life you shall find beauty in all things, even in the eyes that are blind to beauty.....we live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.” Kahlil Gibran

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