Monday, December 6, 2010

Gifts Galore

Christmas is my favorite holiday, is it one of yours too? I love the music, the tree, the baking, and  I love giving!  I love making other people happy with something I can give them.  Sometimes though, all that giving can either stretch the budget beyond repair, or become a little too focused on "stuff".  For both reasons, I've gotten into the habit of making at least some of my gifts.  It's more personal, they're usually unique, and people appreciate that YOU went into the gift and not just some cash.  

I want my kids to appreciate heart felt gifts, and not only the price tag.  I want them to know that they can give wonderful gifts without emptying the bank.

Are you done with your shopping already?  If you are I'm SO jealous.  I try every year to get done before December 1st, and I made a better effort this year.  Not.  Quite.  Done. (shoot).   I'm going to give a short list of ideas for gifts, and include plenty of websites so you can explore and find some great giving options.

1. grandparents love photos....   in frames, scrapbooked, mini albums to carry

2. homemade gifts baskets... ie, if you have a movie lover you can give some DVDs or gift certificate to a local theater along with some homemade treats to enjoy while watching, and some microwave popcorn

3. coupon books for free chores, dates, lessons for something you're good at and they want to learn, special services like back rubs, etc.

4.  little kids love dress up...   buy a box and fill it with dress up clothes and accessories (jewelry, hats, scarves) from Goodwill.  It's a hit every time.

5.  burn a CD mix of someone's favorite type of music

Gifts from the Kitchen

Everyone loves a gift that warms their belly!  These are some great ideas to start with.

Do it Yourself Christmas

An assortment of reader contributed gift ideas, some of which are pretty unique.  If you have a tween, the Secret Hollow book is awesome!

Family Fun's crafty ideas

A lot of good ideas, especially for smaller gifts that could be used for exchanges or stockings.

Homemade Gift Ideas for the Family

This site would be good for kids making gifts for other people.  A lot of very fun and simple things to try.

Martha Stewart's Gift Ideas

Ok, it's Martha...  love her or hate her, she's got some brilliant ideas.  Some of these are a little more pricey or may require a bit more skill than I can get my hands on, but it's well worth a look.

Great Ideas for All Ages

This site lists ideas by age.  Have a 1-3 year old?  She's got a whole list of inexpensive but well targeted things to give.  It's where I decided what to give Chloe this year.  She's also got ideas for Mom and Dad, so kids can get involved making things too.  

Hopefully this has you thinking of some awesome gifts to make and give this year.  If you have a favorite idea, let me know!  We start "birthday season" in our house right after Christmas, so I'm always up for a great gift giving idea!

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