In my introduction, I said that maybe my life would make you feel better about yours. Well, I think I can deliver on that promise right away. The last 10 days or so of my life and my family's life has been like a bad country song. I hate to say that anything that could go wrong, has, because that would only invite life to prove me wrong.
Here are the major highlights:
Oldest daughter's horse comes down with colic. A vet is called out, but sadly the horse dies a few days later....... in the front yard with the younger children watching. Sad day and $200 bill.
Same daughter was thrown from different horse the same day the vet came. It appeared that she had at least broken her collar bone, and could also have a concussion. So, even though she has no insurance coverage, off to the walk in clinic we go. Luckily the collar bone was badly bruised, but not broken, and no concussion. Another $200 bill.
Husband's car decides it can go on no longer, and a new engine is what it will take to get it up and running again. $3500.
Minivan, which was pulling double duty as the work vehicle for Ken while his is in the shop...... and still making daily dance class runs needs a crucial repair and spends the weekend in the shop. $793.
Rental car to help us muddle through for a while.... $170
On the same day the minivan went into the shop, I turn on a tap in my kitchen to discover that we have not a drop of water flowing. When life gives you lemons, which it undoubtedly has been, it's helpful to have water in order to make the proverbial lemonade.
After roughing it in our own home for 4 days without water (SO thankful to great neighbors who let all of us come shower), a crew of friends and professionals came to give us a new water pump, well pump, and all new pipes between said pump and well....... we don't have the bill yet for the actual amount. I'm afraid.
Keeping my sanity through this crazy ten days........... priceless. Though I'm not sure I actually did.
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