Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Goal

Here we are, New Year, new beginnings! This all seemed like a good idea the other day.  But I have to say I'm not as sure today.  Maybe that's the nasty junk food and lack of sleep from NY Eve talking.  But, I said I was going to put my biggest challenge out there and hope it would give me more incentive to actually follow the steps in my goal.  

Here it is...  (drum roll)...   

my health

I won't get into every little detail (for which you are grateful, trust me), but I have some health issues.  I  have an autoimmune thyroid disease, which causes generally high levels of inflammation throughout my body, even when taking my medication, resulting in aches, random pains that can hang on for days, and a stressed system to name a few.  

I also have this crunchy knee... it "crunches" when I walk down stairs.  It's been crunchy and painless..  and now, not always painless (having THE steepest set of stairs ever doesn't help).  It could be a precursor to arthritis which runs in my family.  And I would like to do all I can to heal or reverse this now if possible.  

I found out I have a ridiculously low vitamin D level.  Which increases risk for cancer, autoimmune diseases (uh huh) and inflammation. 

I am clearly not at anything close to my goal weight.

And I have acid reflux.  

Okay..sadly there's more, but before I start sounding like your great grandmother (or maybe I already have), I'll stop here.   My point is, I'm not super young anymore.  I should be taking these things more seriously.  In the past, I've been too busy being mom to be slowed down by a little reflux or knee crunching.  My motto has been something like "blow it off and maybe it'll go away". But where are we without our health?  Where will I be 5 years from now when it's all gotten progressively worse?  

I've been trying to do better at recognizing spiritual promptings in my life (another goal).  A few months ago, when the thought occurred to me again, that I "should" start taking care of myself better I had an epiphany because this thought came to my mind: 

Why are you so willing to follow other promptings, but those regarding your health you dismiss as just another "should" on your list that you don't have time for, rather than Heavenly Father's counsel for you?  

Yes, why indeed?  And I've thought about that and pondered it...   but as you can see, taken no action so far.  Nothing consistent at least.  Not something I'm terribly proud of.  But that's going to change.  

I won't be just blogging about weight loss, though that needs to be part of the goal. After years of struggling with weight I can tell you I know the secret to weight loss.  Eat less, move more.  So I'm not looking for some magic solution, but I do think a body responds better to diet and exercise efforts when it's in balance on all levels. I believe strongly in the mind-body connection.  I am a big believer in integrative medicine, meaning that Western medical practices and pharmaceuticals don't hold all the answers to our health.  I'll be using meditation, coconut oil, essential oils, prayer, and other things I have researched over the years and found to have great benefits.  And some standard medicines too. 

I have started many times, but have never established hard-core habits with any of this.  I do good for a while,  something sidelines me for a few days... and then I completely forget I was ever doing any of it (how does that happen?).  I'll post soon about the specifics of what I'm going to do and why.


  1. Eat less, move more is really the secret! If you need a place to track calories and how much you should eat to lose weight, My Fitness Pal is excellent.
    I've lost nearly 40 pounds using it just in 2012 and walking a lot.

  2. NaDell, good for you! That's awesome!
