Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Details

I am usually a bit over ambitious when it comes to setting goals.  I set lots of them, and even write them down and put them somewhere visible.....   where I can be reminded often of how much I'm not really working on them.  Yeah, I'm awesome.  So for this "totally change my health for the better and lose weight along the way" goal, I am starting small.  I'll put some small, but important habits into place first, before moving on.  

The first round of changes:

Take my afternoon supplements
Morning yoga 3 x a week
To bed earlier and awake earlier
Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day

My supplements are fish oil capsules (for inflammation), vitamin D3 with calcium citrate (for better D3 absorption), vitamin B12 (because that's low too), and papaya enzymes and probiotics (for better digestion).  Here's the thing.  I can't take those first thing in the morning because they interfere with my thyroid hormones.  And for the life of me, I just cannot remember to take more pills in the afternoon (or I remember but many little distractions get in the way....  or maybe I'm just lazy).  

I gave up exercising a while back because with even moderate workouts, I would have pain (not muscle soreness), from some "injury" I don't remember getting. I spent more time recovering than exercising. Thank you autoimmune disease.  But I have some yoga DVDs that show modifications (because I am not thin or flexible enough for all the regular poses).  And now that my mysterious thumb pain seems to finally be going away after 3 weeks, maybe I can actually put my hands on the ground and do yoga, which I really enjoy, but rarely do. 

In order to get up and have time to do yoga, read scriptures, and get a good deal of homework done before I wake the kids up, I will need to start getting up at 5:30.  I'm sure that's no big deal for many of you.  But I'm a night person.  Going to bed at 10pm is hard for me because I'm not tired then.  Even if I got up really early.  But I'll at least be in bed, lights out and work on being more of a morning person than I already force myself to be.

Water.  Simple, right?  I rarely feel thirsty though.  So I don't drink much of anything during the day.  But I feel better when I do.  So when I fill up my glass a few times a day..  I'll simply drink the whole thing rather than just a sip.    

These four changes start now.  I'll put reminders everywhere and make it as easy as possible.  The idea is that in 2 weeks or less I'll be in a new routine with these habits and I'll start noticing some small changes in how I feel. And as soon as I feel I have a handle on them, I'll post my next steps.


  1. Small steps make a sizable difference!
    Could you make an alarm on your phone for when you need to take your afternoon supplements? You could even get them out in the morning when you take your medicine and put them in a baggie in your pocket or something and then you'd be all set to take them when the alarm goes off.
    Good luck with your goals!

  2. Cell phone alarm is a great idea! I have them in a pill box even, but I set them out of my way for cooking, etc and then.. out of sight out of mind. I like the cell phone alarm idea though. I'll try that :)
