Thursday, June 28, 2012


The only constant in life is change (according to Heraclitus of Ephasus at least, but I believe him).  Sometimes life is kind of static, and then there are big seasons of change that wash over us like a blustery storm.  I'm in the middle of one of those seasons right now, which is one reason I haven't blogged in 5 months.   Don't get me wrong, storms aren't all bad.  I like a good rainstorm now and then.  I enjoy the beauty of a brooding sky and love the smell of outdoors after rain.  But change can also be disorienting. 

In the past 6 months or so, my oldest child got married, and second oldest moved out.  I went back to college after 24 years.  We decided to sell our home in the country of 18 years, and move to town.  My "baby" gave up "nee-nees" (nursing), and diapers (like I said, change isn't all bad).  Sadly, I also had a good friend of 12 years pass away unexpectedly and suddenly, leaving a hole in the life of her husband, 4 young children, and those who knew her.  Change can be  challenging, often unexpected, and not always pretty.  

Still, I believe that ultimately, most change is good.  It's the adjusting to it that seems to give me fits. For a unashamed planner, who is never far from her notebook and highlighter, going with the flow is just counter-intuitive (even though it's surely the smarter choice).  

Here are a few things I've learned through some of these changes.

1.  Once children leave your home...  they're still going to need you a lot.  

2.  Algebra is hard.  Statistics may be harder.

3.  Homework takes WAY more time than I ever remember (of course I was single and childless then).

4. "House Hunters" is a lie. Buying and selling a house is not that fun or easy.

5.  Always follow promptings.  Not doing so meant missing out on the chance to tell a great man what a wonderful influence he was on this earth. Doing so allowed me to visit with my friend Angi just days before she died, and that is a precious memory to me.  Lesson learned.  

6.  Children grow at light speed and before you know it they're gone.  People before things (and that includes laundry).  

7.  This too shall pass... and when it does something else will take it's place. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans" (John Lennon), so just enjoy the simple things.  

8.  My life is not as focused on the important things as it is the urgent things.  And I need to change that.  

9. The simple life isn't what I thought it was.  And I wish I'd learned that sooner.  But better late than never.  

10.  From chaos springs new life.  (I'm counting on that).  But it can be a slow process. 

This is an example of my current chaos.  Our current dining room has looked liked this for 2 weeks already. Note the absence of an actual table. It will be weeks before my new dining room is put together (after the move next week there are wood floors to refinish before furniture comes in).  For right now, I remind myself to just breathe, and remember #s 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10.  It's all good.